27 Desember 2011

Number of Users” plus 1 more

Posted: 24 Dec 2011 05:30 PM PST
First of all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everybody. I wish you best holiday season.
In today’s blog post – I am sharing very small question received by one of the reader. Though simple sometime a small question make people think. He sent me very similar to following image and asked few questions. As his image represented his server’s information, I am reproducing very similar image using AdventureWorks database.
Question: What does the number of users signifies in database properties? Does this mean current connected users or total active users or total enabled users or what exactly?”
Answer: Database Properties >> Number of Users indicates the how many users exists in the database.
In my current example you can see that there are 5 users and that is displayed in the above properties screen. Though, it is very simple question, now I am going to ask you question back.
Question to readers: If you notice there is small arrow besides GUEST or SYS login. It is RED arrow on south. What does this arrow means?
Please leave your answer in comments area.
Reference: Pinal Dave (http://blog.SQLAuthority.com)

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