Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
content | Generates content in the document in conjunction with the :before and:after pseudo-elements. | String values, URL values, and predefined value formats:
counter(name, list-style-type) counters(name, string) counters(name, string, list-style-type) attr(X) open-quote close-quote no-open-quote no-close-quote |
div:before { content:"some text"; }div:after { content:url(page2.html); }
counter-increment | Declares the counter increment for each instance of a selector. | Integers and the predefined value none. | More Information |
counter-reset | Declares the value the counter is set to on each instance of a selector. | Integers and the predefined value none. | More Information |
quotes | Declares the type of quotation marks to use for quotations and embedded quotations. | String values and the predefined value none. | More Information |
List Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
list-style-type | Declares the type of list marker used. |
circle square decimal decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upper-roman lower-alpha upper-alpha lower-greek lower-latin upper-latin hebrew armenian georgian cjk-ideographic hiragana katakana hiragana-iroha katakana-iroha |
ol { list-style-type:upper-roman; }ul { list-style-type:square; }
list-style-position | Declares the position of the list marker. |
outside |
ol { list-style-position:inside; }ul { list-style-position:outside; }
list-style-image | Declares an image to be used as the list marker. | URL values. |
ul { list-style-image:url(image.jpg); }
list-style | Shorthand property to declare three list properties at once. | Separate values by a space in the following order (those that are not defined will use inherited or default initial values):
list-style-position list-style-image |
ul { list-style:disc inside url(image.gif); }ol { list-style:upper-roman outside; }
marker-offset | Declares the marker offset for elements with a value ofmarker set for the displayproperty. | Lengths and the predefined value auto. |
li:before { display:marker; marker-offset:5px; }
Margin Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
margin-top | Declares the top margin for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { margin-top:5px; }div { margin-top:15%; }
margin-right | Declares the right margin for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { margin-right:5px; }div { margin-right:15%; }
margin-bottom | Declares the bottom margin for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { margin-bottom:5px; }div { margin-bottom:15%; }
margin-left | Declares the left margin for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { margin-left:5px; }div { margin-left:15%; }
margin | Shorthand property used to declare all the margin properties at once. | Separate values by a space in the following order (those that are not defined will use inherited or default initial values):
Undeclared values work as further shorthand notation. If only one length value is declared, all four margins will use that length. If two lengths are declared, the top and bottom margins will use the first length while the right and left margins will use the second length. If three lengths are declared, the top margin will use the first length, the right and left margins will use the second length, and the bottom margin will use the third length.margin-right margin-bottom margin-left |
div { margin:5px 12px 4px 7px; }div { margin:5px; }
div { margin:5px 10px; } div { margin:5px 7px 4px; } |
Outline Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
outline-color | Declares the outline color. | Valid color names, RGB values, hexidecimal notation. |
div { outline-color:green; }div { outline-color:#00FF00; }
outline-style | Declares the style of the outline. |
dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset |
div { outline-style:solid; }div { outline-style:inset; }
outline-width | Declares the width of the outline. | Lengths or the following predefined values:
medium thick |
div { outline-width:2px; }div { outline-width:thin; }
outline | Used as a shorthand property to set all the background properties at once. | Separate values by a space in the following order (those that are not defined will use inherited or default initial values):
outline-style outline-width |
div { outline:green solid 2px; }div { outline:#00FF00 double thick; }
Padding Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
padding-top | Declares the top padding for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { padding-top:5px; }div { padding-top:15%; }
padding-right | Declares the right padding for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { padding-right:5px; }div { padding-right:15%; }
padding-bottom | Declares the bottom padding for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { padding-bottom:5px; }div { padding-bottom:15%; }
padding-left | Declares the left padding for the element. | Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value auto. |
div { padding-left:5px; }div { padding-left:15%; }
padding | Shorthand property used to declare all the margin properties at once. | Separate values by a space in the following order (those that are not defined will use inherited or default initial values):
Undeclared values work as further shorthand notation. If only one length value is declared, all four sides will use that length. If two lengths are declared, the top and bottom sides will use the first length while the right and left sides will use the second length. If three lengths are declared, the top side will use the first length, the right and left sides will use the second length, and the bottom side will use the third length.padding-right padding-bottom padding-left |
div { padding:5px 12px 4px 7px; }div { padding:5px; }
div { padding:5px 10px; } div { padding:5px 7px 4px; } |
Page Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
marks | Declares the type of marks to display outside the page box. |
cross |
@page { marks:crop; }
orphans | Declares the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page. | Integers |
@page { orphans:2; }
page | Declares the type of page where an element should be displayed. | Indentifiers | More Information |
page-break-after | Declares a page break. |
always avoid left right | More Information |
page-break-before | Declares a page break. |
always avoid left right | More Information |
page-break-inside | Declares a page break. |
avoid | More Information |
size | Declares the size and orientation of a page box. | Lengths, and the following predefined values:
landscape potrait | More Information |
widows | Declares the minimum number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the top of a page. | Integers |
@page { widows:2; }
Table Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
border-collapse | Declares the way borders are displayed. |
separate |
table { border-collapse:collapse; }table { border-collapse:separate; }
border-spacing | Declares the distance separating borders (ifborder-collapseis separate). | Lengths for the horizontal and vertical spacing, separated by a space.If one length is value is declared, that length is used for both the horizontal and vertical spacing. If two lengths are declared, the first one is used for horizontal spacing and the second one is used for vertical spacing. |
table { border-spacing:5px; }table { border-spacing:5px 10px; }
caption-side | Declares where the table caption is displayed in relation to the table. |
bottom left right |
caption { caption-side:top; }caption { caption-side:right; }
empty-cells | Declares the way empty cells are displayed (if border-collapse isseparate). |
hide |
table { empty-cells:show; }table { empty-cells:hide; }
table-layout | Declares the type of table layout. |
fixed |
table { table-layout:auto; }table { table-layout:fixed; }
Text Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
color | Declares the color of the text. | Valid color names, RGB values, hexidecimal notation.The predefined color names are:
black blue fuchsia gray green lime maroon navy olive purple red silver teal white yellow |
div { color:green; }div {color:rgb(0,255,0);}
div { color:#00FF00; } |
direction | Declares the reading direction of the text. |
ltr = left-to-rightrtl rtl = right-to-left |
div { direction:ltr; }div { direction:rtl; }
line-height | Declares the distance between lines. | Numbers, percentages, lengths, and the predefined value of normal. |
div { line-height:normal; }div { line-height:2em; }
div { line-height:125%; } |
letter-spacing | Declares the amount of space between text characters. | A length (in addition to the default space) or the predefined value of normal. |
div { letter-spacing:normal; }div { letter-spacing:5px; }
div { letter-spacing:-1px; } |
text-align | Declares the horizontal alignment of inline content. |
If used on a set of table cells, this property can be given a string value to which the text of each row of the column will be aligned.right center justify |
div { text-align:center; }div { text-align:right; }
td { text-align:"."; } |
text-decoration | Declares the text decoration. |
underline overline line-through blink |
div { text-decoration:none; }div { text-decoration:underline; }
text-indent | Declares the indentation of the first line of text. | Lengths and percentages. |
div { text-indent:12px; }div { text-indent:2%; }
text-shadow | Declares shadow effects on the text. | A list containg a color followed by numeric values (separated by spaces) that specify:
div { text-shadow:green 2px 2px 7px; }div { text-shadow:olive -3px -4px 5px; }
text-transform | Declares the capitalization effects on the letters in the text. |
capitalize uppercase lowercase |
div { text-transform:uppercase; }div { text-transform:lowercase; }
unicode-bidi | Declares values relating to bidirectional text. May be used in conjunction with the the directionproperty. |
embed bidi-override |
div { unicode-bidi:embed; }div { unicode-bidi:bidi-override; }
white-space | Declares how white space is handled in an element. |
pre nowrap |
div { white-space:pre; }div { white-space:nowrap; }
word-spacing | Declares the space between words in the text. | A length (in addition to the default space) or the predefined value of normal. |
div { word-spacing:normal; }div { word-spacing:1.5em; }
Other Properties
Property | Description | Possible Values | Examples |
azimuth | Declares the angle that sound travels to the listener. | Angle values in degrees (deg), or one of the following predefined values:
far-left left center-left center center-right right far-right right-side behind leftwards rightwards |
div { azimuth:90deg; }div { azimuth:behind; }
cue-after | Declares an audio cue to play after an element. | URL values and the predefined valuenone. |
div { cue-after:url(sound.wav); }div { cue-after:none; }
cue-before | Declares an audio cue to play before an element. | URL values and the predefined valuenone. |
div { cue-before:url(sound.wav); }div { cue-before:none; }
cue | Shorthand proerty to set both cue values at once. | URL values and the predefined valuenone. Separate the values by a space in the following order:
If only one cue value is declared, it is used for both before and after.cue-after |
div { cue:url(sound.wav) url(sound2.wav); }div { cue:url(sound.wav); }
elevation | Declares the elevation of a sound. | Angle values in degrees (deg), or one of the following predefined values:
level above higher lower |
div { elevation:30deg; }div { elevation:higher; }
pause-after | Declares the amount of time to pause after an element. | Time in milliseconds (ms) or percentages. |
div { pause-after:100ms; }div { pause-after:20%; }
pause-before | Declares the amount of time to pause before an element. | Time in milliseconds (ms) or percentages. |
div { pause-before:100ms; }div { pause-before:20%; }
pause | Shorthand proerty to set both pause values at once. | Separate the values by a space in the following order:
If only one pause value is declared, it is used for both before and after.pause-after |
div { pause:200ms 100ms; }div { pause:100ms; }
pitch | Declares the average speaking pitch of a voice. | Frequencies in hertz (Hz) or the following predefined values:
low medium high x-high |
div { pitch:120Hz; }div { pitch:high; }
pitch-range | Declares a change in the pitch range of a voice. | Number values between 0 and 100 (lower values indicate a flat voice while higher values indicate an animated voice). |
div { pitch-range:50; }div { pitch-range:99; }
play-during | Declares a background sound to be played while the current element is spoken. | URL value, followed by one or more of the following keywords, separated by spaces:
Alternatley, one of the following keywords:repeat
none |
div { play-during:url(music.wav); }div { play-during:url(music.wav) repeat; }
div { play-during:none; } |
richness | Declares the richness of the voice in spoken text. | Numeric values between 0 and 100 (lower values have less richness and higher values have more richness). |
div { richness:50; }div { richness:0; }
speak | Declares if/how text is spoken. |
none spell-out |
div { speak:none; }div { speak:spell-out; }
speak-header | Declares how often table header cells are spoken. |
always |
th { speak-header:once; }th { speak-header:always; }
speak-numeral | Declares how numerals are spoken. |
continuous |
div { speak-numeral:digits; }div { speak-numeral:continuous; }
speak-punctuation | Declares how punctuation is spoken. |
none |
div { speak-punctuation:code; }div { speak-punctuation:none; }
speech-rate | Declares the speech rate of spoken text. | A number indicating the number of words per minute, or one of the following predefined values:
slow medium fast x-fast faster slower |
div { speech-rate:50; }div { speech-rate:medium; }
stress | Declares the stress of the voice on spoken text. | Numeric values between 0 and 100 (lower values have less stress and higher values have more stress). |
div { stress:50; }div { stress:0; }
voice-family | Declares the voice family of spoken text. | Generic or specific voice family names. | More Information |
volume | Declares the median volume. | Numbers between 0 and 100, percentages, or one of the following predefined values:
x-soft soft medium loud x-loud |
div { volume:50; }div { volume:silent; }
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