23 September 2011

Dimension Properties

PropertyDescriptionPossible ValuesExamples
heightDeclares the height of the element.Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value .
div { height:200px; }div { height:50%; }
max-heightDeclares the maximum height of the element.Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value .
div { max-height:200px; }div { max-height:50%; }
min-heightDeclares the minimum height of the element.Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value .
div { min-height:200px; }div { min-height:50%; }
widthDeclares the width of the element.Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value .
div { width:500px; }div { width:75%; }
max-widthDeclares the maximum width of the element.Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value .
div { max-width:500px; }div { max-width:75%; }
min-widthDeclares the minimum width of the element.Lengths, percentages, and the predefined value .
div { min-width:500px; }div { min-width:75%; }

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