Android Getting Started Tutorial – Installing Eclipse, Android SDK & AVD.
This Android Getting Started Tutorial will help setup everything you’ll need for Android Development!
This Android Getting Started tutorial will walk you through the process of setting up all the basic tools you will need to start creating your very own Android applications. We will be installing Eclipse (the IDE), downloading the Android SDK, installing both the Android AVD and the SDK, and setting up different Android Platforms. After that, you can go to the next Android getting started tutorial and learn to create your own app from scratch!
[If you don't have the Java JRE start here (Ignore if you are on Mac)]
[If you don't have the Java JRE start here (Ignore if you are on Mac)]
Android Getting Started Video Walkthrough
Android Getting Started Description
Before you can get started developing your own Android apps, you will need to download and install the tools necessary to make it happen. This Android getting started tutorial will start by downloading the Eclipse IDE.
Eclipse is an IDE, which stands for Integrated Development Environment, and if you are a new programmer, you are probably like WTF is that??! Well, what an IDE does is make development a lot easier, such as recommending methods to use on a certain object, and if you are like what is a method, and what is an object, don’t worry about that right now. All that is important is that installing Eclipse will help us create apps much quicker and easier.
Now, that we know (somewhat) what an IDE is, we will install the Android SDK, and setup the Android AVD. The Android SDK (Software Development Kit) will allow us to use methods and structures specifically designed for Android, such as using methods that we can use to send text messages, set the background of the user’s phone, and many, many more.
The Android AVD (Android Virtual Device) will allows us to test our Android apps on an emulator (or a virtual device) which comes in handy if we don’t have an actually android device to do our testing on. You will be able to set up many different Android AVDs so you can test your application on “different” android devices, such as different android tablets and different phones. If you want to eventually test your Android applications on your own device, you may want to check out this walkthrough.
This video is the first in a web series that I am creating to help you learn Android programming so you can create apps and eventually how to learn to write games for android phones. I want to explain things in a way that everyone can understand, even if you have no experience with Java, XML, C, OpenGL, or as a matter of fact, any other programming language.
If you do have a lot of experience with programming, these first videos will be really slow for you, but my goal is to get everyone sprinting, but for now we have learn to crawl.
Hope you enjoyed this Android Getting Started tutorial, make sure you check out the next post.
Resourceful Links
Download links:
Android SDK:
Android ADT:
Additional help link:
Android SDK:
Android ADT:
Additional help link:
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